TLC Puppy Pampering Training

TLC Puppy Pampering Training
The first weeks home with a new puppy are long and intensive. Puppies need out every 15 min if loose in the house at 8wks of age. If in a playpen about every 20-30 min. If in a crate every 1 1/2- 2hr. The first week is the most stressful week of puppy ownership.
Puppy pampering is a one week extended stay.
Where we work on:
1. Individual Crate Training Night and Day
2. Socialization
3. Leash training
4. Socialization
5. Beginner potty training
6. Socialization
7. Community Trips
8. Socialization
9. Beginner Basic Commands. Sit, Stay, come, down.
10. Confidence Building
We take them to the Vet for Second DHLPP and Bordetella (Kennel Cough $40) Vaccines at 9wks or older when age appropriate.
Puppy will start learning basic behaviors and socialization skills in a positive home environment. Your puppy will enjoy family life comfortably in the name of training. Puppy pampering is gentle, kind, effective, and sensitive to the fact that puppies are babies. Short sessions through out the course of the day. During the 1-4week program, the puppies will learn:
Day and Night individual Crate Training, where they will go in and out of their crate on command, and to sleep in their crate with no problem at night;
Beginner Leash Training, where they will learn to walk on a leash beside the human;
Basic Commands of sit, down, (1 wk training); wait and a recall (come after they wait 2-4 wk training). They will be taught several times per day,
Potty training will be strongly under way. When they are first taken out of their crate or pen, they will be taken outside to potty. The basic training will be started but it is important to continue the commands and method used by the trainer to continue the success after going home.
You will receive video and text updates throughout the weeks so you can see your puppy's progress. If you pick up here at TLC your trainer will meet with you to show you how to be successful.
If you choose the Frederick, Md option when it is time to pick up your puppy, your trainer may be not available to go over in person but is always available to talk to you on the phone.
A Week is $600.00
After week of training completed, Fee is non refundable.
TLC by the Lake Puppy Pampering has higher up spots on the deposit wait lists, paid for by those that want puppy pampering. If you are interested in puppy pampering and would like one of the available higher up spots on the deposit wait list, please let us know and the Puppy pampering fee would need to be paid at that time. If you want to stay on the bottom of the wait list and still have puppy pampering at time of Selection that is ok then you will not need to pay for pampering till 8 weeks.
If you are using one of the Puppy Pampering spots to become higher up on the wait list please fill out the form below and make payment at the time of booking/application.